Saturday Mar 27
ava's grace online retreat for couples grieving the loss of a baby
Cost: free of charge
If you have suffered miscarriage, stillbirth or infant loss, we invite you to participate in our annual ava’s grace retreat which will take place over Zoom this year on Saturday, March 27th from 9:00 AM to 12:00 PM. The retreat will feature witness talks from other couples who have lost a baby before or after birth, small group discussion, a separate breakout session for women and for men, inspirational music, live-streamed Eucharistic Adoration, and conversation prompts for private couple discussion. Although the retreat is geared for couples, individuals are welcome to participate as well. To register and receive the Zoom link and passcode, please email Lisa Everett at [email protected]. Sponsored by Marriage & Family Ministry, Diocese of Fort Wayne-South Bend