Upcoming Events
Wednesday Jan 01
Mass / Liturgy
Solemnity of Mary Mass Interpreted for the Deaf
South Bend
Cost: free
An interpreted for the deaf will be present on January 1 at 12:15pm for the Solemnity of Mary, Mother of God Mass at St. Matthew Cathedral, 1701 Miami St., South Bend, IN 46613. An interpreter from Community Services All Deaf (CSAD) provides ASL (American Sign Language). St. Matthew Cathedral Parish and the Diocesan Deaf Ministry partner to offer these special Masses in addition to the regularly scheduled ones every month:
• 1st Sunday of the month: 4pm Saturday evening
• 2nd, 3rd, and 4th Sundays on the month: 11am Sunday morning
(there is no ASL interpreter available for the 5th Sunday of the month at this time)
If you would like to raise awareness for the Deaf Ministry and assist in its efforts to provide support for the deaf members of the Catholic community in our diocese, please contact Allison Sturm at [email protected] or at 260-399-1452.
Website: http://www.diocesefwsb.org/Deaf-Ministry
St. Matthew Cathedral
1701 Miami Street
South Bend Indiana, 46613
Saturday Jan 04
Formation / Training
Right to Life Workshop
Fort Wayne
Cost: $5
Many people today reject or are indifferent to the pro-life view, often because they’ve never heard the pro-life position presented in a compelling manner. This workshop will prepare you to confidently communicate the pro-life position to others. Using science & philosophy, you will learn to simplify the debate. Come learn to speak intelligently and graciously to the most pressing moral issue of our time: abortion. You’ll leave prepared to confidently persuade others by exposing the logical fallacies of abortion-choice rhetoric without the need for vitriol and angry dialogue.
Website: https://www.ichooselife.org/resources/events/upcoming-events/right-to-life-workshop--allen
Mass Interpreted for the Deaf in South Bend
South Bend
Cost: free
An interpreted for the deaf will be present this Saturday evening, January 4, 2025 at the 4 p.m. Vigil Mass at St. Matthew Cathedral, 1701 Miami St., South Bend, IN 46613. An interpreter from Community Services All Deaf (CSAD) provides ASL (American Sign Language). St. Matthew Cathedral Parish and the Diocesan Deaf Ministry partner to offer these Masses:
• 1st Sunday of the month: 4 p.m. Saturday evening
• 2nd, 3rd, and 4th Sundays of the month: 11 a.m. Sunday morning
If you would like to raise awareness for the Deaf Ministry and assist in its efforts to provide support for the deaf members of the Catholic community in our diocese, please contact Allison Sturm at [email protected] or at 260-399-1452.
Website: http://www.diocesefwsb.org/Deaf-Ministry
St. Matthew Cathedral
1701 Miami Street
South Bend Indiana, 46613
Sunday Jan 05
Sensory Friendly Mass in Fort Wayne
Fort Wayne
Cost: free
The 1:30 p.m. Sensory-Friendly Mass at St. Vincent’s provides a safe, comfortable, and stigma-free setting for children and adults with sensory challenges, mental illness, or any kind of disability to feel engaged and experience Mass in a meaningful way.
To find out more information about this Mass at St. Vincent or if you are interested in offering a sensory-friendly Mass at your parish, please contact Allison Sturm at [email protected] or 260-399-1452
Website: https://diocesefwsb.org/sensory-friendly-mass/
St. Vincent de Paul Catholic Church
1502 East Wallen Road
Fort Wayne Indiana, 46825
Parish / Community
St. Therese Catholic Church to host Epiphany Concert on Sunday, Jan. 5
Fort Wayne
Cost: no charge: free will offering
St. Therese Catholic Church, 2304 Lower Huntington Road., Fort Wayne, will host its annual Epiphany Concert on Sunday, January 5, at 7 p.m. There is no charge, but a free will offering will be taken up to benefit the Saint Vincent de Paul Society of the parish. All are welcome.
Presented by the Music Ministry of St. Therese under the direction of Beverly Rieger, the Epiphany Concert will feature Guest Violinist David Ling, Guest Vocal Soloist Renee Gonzales, Guest Organist Allen Goebbert, and the expanded St. Therese Choir, guitarists and flute. There also will be a live Nativity setting directed by Elaine Cooper included during the concert.
After the concert, all are invited to a free reception in the nearby Parish Hall. Come and enjoy this beautiful evening of music, song and devotion.
Tuesday Jan 07
Little Flower Holy Hour
South Bend
Please join us on the first Tuesday of the month for the Little Flower Holy Hour for vocations at 7pm at St. Matthew Cathedral. Each month the Holy Hour for vocations will be led by a different presider. This month the presider will be Fr. Steve LaCroix, CSC from Christ the King Church. Please join us as we pray for vocations.
St. Matthew Cathedral
1701 Miami Street
South Bend Indiana, 46613
Wednesday Jan 08
Mass / Liturgy
Eucharistic Adoration
Cost: free
Please join us for Eucharistic Adoration each Wednesday. We will begin with morning prayer at 7:30 a.m. during Adoration. We will have morning Mass at 8:30 a.m., followed by Adoration from 9 a.m. to 6:30 p.m. There will be evening prayer at 5:30 p.m. and Mass at 6:30 p.m.
Website: https://stjosephgarrett.org
St. Joseph
South Ijams Street
Garrett Indiana, 46738
Thursday Jan 09
Parish / Community
Fort Wayne Local Chesterton Society- The Logical Vegetarians
Fort Wayne
Kick off meeting for the newest chapter of the G.K. Chesterton Society. Our first meeting will be held at J.K. O’Donnell’s. This is an introductory meeting to meet each other, share some food, and drink, and plan for our next book. We will also discuss our annual bourbon pilgrimage to Kentucky for anybody interested. Men 21 and over.
Please RSVP no later than December 30th.
J.K. O'Donnell's
121 W Wayne St
Fort Wayne Indiana, 46802
Sunday Jan 12
Mass Interpreted for the Deaf in South Bend
South Bend
Cost: free
An interpreter for the deaf will be present this Sunday morning, January 12, at the 11 a.m. Mass at St. Matthew Cathedral, 1701 Miami St., South Bend, IN 46613. An interpreter from Community Services All Deaf (CSAD) provides ASL (American Sign Language). St. Matthew Cathedral Parish and the Diocesan Deaf Ministry partner to offer these Masses:
• 1st Sunday of the month: 4 p.m. Saturday evening
• 2nd, 3rd, and 4th Sundays of the month: 11 a.m. Sunday morning
If you would like to raise awareness for the Deaf Ministry and assist in its efforts to provide support for the deaf members of the Catholic community in our diocese, please contact Allison Sturm at [email protected] or at 260-399-1452.
Website: http://www.diocesefwsb.org/Deaf-Ministry
St. Matthew Cathedral
1701 Miami Street
South Bend Indiana, 46613
Sensory Friendly Mass in Fort Wayne
Fort Wayne
Cost: free
The 1:30 p.m. Sensory-Friendly Mass at St. Vincent’s provides a safe, comfortable, and stigma-free setting for children and adults with sensory challenges, mental illness, or any kind of disability to feel engaged and experience Mass in a meaningful way.
To find out more information about this Mass at St. Vincent’s or if you are interested in offering a sensory-friendly Mass at your parish, please contact Allison Sturm at [email protected] or (260) 399-1452.
Website: https://diocesefwsb.org/sensory-friendly-mass/
St. Vincent de Paul Catholic Church
1502 East Wallen Road
Fort Wayne Indiana, 46825
Friday Jan 17
Chili and BINGO Night at St. Joseph
Fort Wayne
Cost: $1 per card/per game - Food sold separately
St. Joseph School will host a Chili and Bingo night in the gym, 2213 Brooklyn Ave. on Friday, January 17, from 6:30-9 p.m. BINGO starts at 7 p.m. BINGO cards are $1 per card/per game. Come and join us for a night of family-friendly fun.
Website: https://saintjosephcatholicchurchfw.org/parish-events
Saturday Jan 18
Mass / Liturgy
Memorial Mass for Rev. Thomas Lemos, CSC
South Bend
A Memorial Mass will be prayed for Father Tom Lemos, CSC, who passed away on December 30, 2024. Father served at St. Stephen, St. Casimir, and St. Adalbert parishes along with serving the migrant population in the area. All are invited to the Mass which will be celebrated on Saturday, January 18, at noon at St. Casimir Church.
Website: http://www.StAdalbertParish.org
St. Casimir Church
1308 W. Dunham St.
South Bend Indiana, 46619
Parish / Community
Northeast Indiana March for Life
Fort Wayne
Join Right to Life of Northeast Indiana on Saturday, January 18th for the March for Life in downtown Fort Wayne. Unite with thousands of pro-life advocates from our region to show that you support life from conception to natural death. The March for Life is an annual pro-life rally held near the anniversary of the 1973 Supreme Court decision legalizing abortion in Roe v. Wade.
The pre-march Rally will take place at Tincaps Stadium, 1301 Ewing St, Fort Wayne, IN. Doors open at noon, and the rally will begin at 12:30 pm. The March will start after the Rally.
Learn more at www.ichooselife.org/march or call our office at 260-471-1849.
Website: https://www.ichooselife.org/resources/events/upcoming-events/northeast-indiana-march-for-life-2025
Parkview Field
1301 Ewing St
Fort Wayne Indiana, 46802
Sunday Jan 19
Mass Interpreted for the Deaf in South Bend
South Bend
Cost: free
An interpreter for the deaf will be present Sunday, January 19, at the 11 a.m. Mass at St. Matthew Cathedral, 1701 Miami St., South Bend, IN 46613. An interpreter from Community Services All Deaf (CSAD) provides ASL (American Sign Language). St. Matthew Cathedral Parish and the Diocesan Deaf Ministry partner to offer these Masses:
• 1st Sunday of the month: 4 p.m. Saturday evening
• 2nd, 3rd, and 4th Sundays of the month: 11 a.m. Sunday morning
• (there is no ASL interpreter available for the 5th Sunday of the month at this time)
If you would like to raise awareness for the Deaf Ministry and assist in its efforts to provide support for the deaf members of the Catholic community in our diocese, please contact Allison Sturm at [email protected] or at 260-399-1452.
Website: http://www.diocesefwsb.org/Deaf-Ministry
St. Matthew Catedral
1701 Miami Street
South Bend Indiana, 46613
Sensory Friendly Mass in Fort Wayne
Fort Wayne
Cost: free
A Sensory-Friendly Mass will be celebrated this Sunday at 1:30 p.m. at St. Vincent de Paul Catholic Church, 1502 East Wallen Rd., Fort Wayne, IN 46825. This Sensory-Friendly Mass at St. Vincent’s provides a safe, comfortable, and stigma-free setting for children and adults with sensory challenges, mental illness, or any kind of disability to feel engaged and experience Mass in a meaningful way.
To find out more information about this Mass at St. Vincent’s or if you are interested in offering a sensory-friendly Mass at your parish, please contact Allison Sturm at [email protected] or (260) 399-1452.
Website: https://diocesefwsb.org/sensory-friendly-mass/
St. Vincent de Paul Catholic Church
1502 East Wallen Road
Fort Wayne Indiana, 46825
Tuesday Jan 21
Eucharistic Revival
FW Area Belonging: Ministry with Persons with Disabilities "Parishes" Meeting
Fort Wayne
Cost: free
The diocesan Ministry with Persons with Disabilities will resume monthly in-person meetings (3rd Tuesday of each month at 7:00 p.m.) beginning Tuesday, January 21at 7:00 p.m. at the Archbishop Noll Catholic Center located at 915 S. Clinton Street in downtown Fort Wayne.
Since the formation of this “grassroots ministry” in 2014, parents, parishioners, priests, parish staff, and volunteers have worked towards meaningful participation for adults and children with disabilities at Mass, in the preparation and celebration of sacraments, and in the life of their faith communities.
Many of the initiatives across our diocese have come from the inspiration and efforts of individuals who have been part of this volunteer ministry of response and accompaniment. Often the needs of one individual or family have led to the beginning of something larger that benefit many like the weekly Sensory-Friendly Masses celebrated at St. Vincent in Fort Wayne. These meetings help connect people and serve as a forum to work on new initiatives or expand what is already in place at a parish or on the diocesan level (many of which are highlighted on the “Belonging: Ministry with Persons with Disabilities” webpage.)
Please enter off of the Washington Street entrance, proceed up the ramp and park in any of the spaces on the second level. There is an automatic door leading into the area to access the elevator. You will be greeted and taken to the meeting area. Please contact Allison on her cell at (260) 414-5960 if you are having any difficulty getting into the building or just have questions, anytime.
Website: https://diocesefwsb.org/belonging/
Archbishop Noll Catholic Center
915 S. Clinton Street
Fort Wayne Indiana, 46802
Wednesday Jan 22
Mass / Liturgy
March for Life Pilgrimage
Cost: $50
High school students are invited to participate in a day pilgrimage to the Indiana March for Life on Wednesday, January 22, 2025. The Diocese of Fort Wayne-South Bend will be leading a day-pilgrimage to Indianapolis that will include Mass at the Indiana Convention Center with Archbishop Thompson, Bishop Rhoades, and the bishops of Indiana as well participation in the Indiana March for Life. Registration is open now through Dec. 31, 2024. Cost per pilgrim is only $50. Registration includes bus transportation and participation. Expected departure from our diocese is about 6:30 a.m. with an expected return of around 6:30 p.m. LEARN MORE AND REGISTER
Website: https://diocesefwsb.org/march-for-life/
Thursday Jan 23
Parish / Community
Middle School & High School Ping Pong Tournament
Fort Wayne
St. Peter’s Youth Group
Ping Pong Tournament January 23rd:
Middle school and high school students are invited to compete in a ping pong tournament with St. Peter’s youth group! The tournament will take place on Thursday, January 23rd from 5pm-7pm in St. Peter’s pavilion. Play to win 1st, 2nd, or 3rd place prizes. Food will be provided. Have questions? Contact Kate at [email protected]
St. Peter- Pavilion
506 E. Dewald St
Fort Wayne Indiana, 46803
Saturday Jan 25
Most Precious Blood School Trivia Night
Fort Wayne
Cost: $100 per table of 10
Most Precious Blood’s Annual Trivia Night. Doors open at 6 p.m, Trivia starts at 7 p.m. Cost is $100 per table.
No Carry in Alcohol, beverages for purchase by Tower Bar. You may bring in food. This is a 21 and over event.
Most Precious Blood Gym
1529 Barthold St
Fort Wayne Indiana, 46808
Sunday Jan 26
Parish / Community
Most Precious Blood Catholic Schools Week Kick Off
Fort Wayne
Cost: 0.00
Most Precious Blood Catholic Schools week kick off begins with Mass on January 26th at 10:30 a.m. at Most Precious Blood church. The school principal, Mrs. Rachel Ottenweller will be on sight to deliver a brief message at the end of Mass and to help answer any questions as we venture to the school for donuts and coffee. The school’s open house will have students’ artwork on display and Teen Trivia in Mohr Hall. Please don’t forget to grab your “passport” and get it stamped as you tour the classrooms to earn your prize! Bring your friends, grandparents, neighbors, and anyone who may be interested in becoming a part of Most Precious Blood school and parish. Hope to see you there!
Website: http://www.preciousblood.org
Most Precious Blood Catholic Church
1529 Barthold Street
Fort Wayne Indiana, 46808
Mass Interpreted for the Deaf in South Bend
South Bend
Cost: free
An interpreter for the deaf will be present Sunday, January 26, at the 11 a.m. Mass at St. Matthew Cathedral, 1701 Miami St., South Bend, IN 46613. An interpreter from Community Services All Deaf (CSAD) provides ASL (American Sign Language). St. Matthew Cathedral Parish and the Diocesan Deaf Ministry partner to offer these Masses:
• 1st Sunday of the month: 4 p.m. Saturday evening
• 2nd, 3rd, and 4th Sundays of the month: 11 a.m. Sunday morning
• (there is no ASL interpreter available for the 5th Sunday of the month at this time)
If you would like to raise awareness for the Deaf Ministry and assist in its efforts to provide support for the deaf members of the Catholic community in our diocese, please contact Allison Sturm at [email protected] or at 260-399-1452.
Website: http://www.diocesefwsb.org/Deaf-Ministry
St. Matthew Cathedral
1701 Miami Street
South Bend Indiana, 46613
Sensory Friendly Mass in Fort Wayne
Fort Wayne
Cost: free
A Sensory-Friendly Mass will be celebrated this Sunday at 1:30 p.m. at St. Vincent de Paul Catholic Church, 1502 East Wallen Rd., Fort Wayne, IN 46825. This Sensory-Friendly Mass at St. Vincent’s provides a safe, comfortable, and stigma-free setting for children and adults with sensory challenges, mental illness, or any kind of disability to feel engaged and experience Mass in a meaningful way.
To find out more information about this Mass at St. Vincent’s or if you are interested in offering a sensory-friendly Mass at your parish, please contact Allison Sturm at [email protected] or (260) 399-1452.
Website: https://diocesefwsb.org/sensory-friendly-mass/
St. Vincent de Paul Catholic Church
1502 East Wallen Road
Fort Wayne Indiana, 46825
Monday Jan 27
Parish / Community
Volunteer Income Tax Assistance
Fort Wayne
Free tax preparation through the Volunteer Center
St. Mary Mother of God Catholic Church
January 27 to April 12, 2025
Monday 1-6pm
Tuesday 1-5:30pm
Wednesday 1-5:30pm
Thursday CLOSED
Saturday 9am to Noon
St. Mary Mother of God Church
1101 Lafayette St
Fort Wayne Indiana, 46802
Tuesday Jan 28
Youth / School
National School Choice Week Event at St. Thomas More Academy
South Bend
Cost: Free
SOUTH BEND (JANUARY 28, 2025)—In celebration of National School Choice Week (NSCW), January 26-February 1, 2025, St. Thomas More School and My School Options (MSO) will host their School Choice Celebration on Tuesday, January 28th.
The event will begin at 9:00 am and go until 10:00 am at St. Thomas More Academy, 308 S Scott St, South Bend, IN 46615. The event will serve as a showcase of a great educational option in the South Bend area.
“When it comes to National School Choice Week, we are excited to have this opportunity to highlight and celebrate schools across the state,” said Cesar Roman, Director of Community Engagement for MSO. “We are honored to be a partner of this amazing organization and appreciate the opportunity to spread awareness about school choice and educational options.”
According to its website, National School Choice Week (NSCW) informs, inspires, and empowers parents to discover the K-12 education options available for their children, including traditional public, public charter, public magnet, online, private, and home schooling. Each year the organization partners with statewide groups to host thousands of events around the nation during the last week of January.
To celebrate school choice in Indiana, MSO selected St. Thomas More Academy (STMA) to be the host site of their School Choice Celebration.
STMA has been serving parents since 2021 and has grown exponentially over the last four years. This school provides a rigorous classical liberal arts education that seeks to enliven the soul and draw students into an experiential education experience. Each year since it opened, the school has been growing in numbers and continues its mission to serve the South Bend community.
This event is free and open to the public. Those interested in attending can email event coordinator, Taki Floutsis, at [email protected].
Saint Thomas More Academy (South Bend, Indiana)
308 S. Scott Street
South Bend Indiana, 46601
Thursday Jan 30
Formation / Training
Exodus: Called to Freedom Bible Study
Fort Wayne
Cost: $30/book (includes s&h)
Daytime Bible Study open to all (men, women, parishioner, non-parishioner, Catholic, & non-Catholic). 10-week course from Ascension Press, sponsored by Our Lady’s Knights of Columbus #12417, led by Rick Jennings.
Do you want to experience true freedom? Have you ever wondered freedom means, and how to find it?
Exodus is often seen as the defining moment in Israel’s history, when God called Israel out of slavery in Egypt to freedom. The story of Exodus isn’t only Israel’s story, however – it’s also our story. Exodus: Called to Freedom looks through the lens of Christ and the Church to show how God ultimately desired to free us from the deadly grip of sin so that we could have authentic freedom.
Our Lady of Good Hope will begin a ten-week Bible study Exodus: Called to Freedom on Thursday, January 30 at 10am in the Parish Library. Participants will meet every week to view an engaging video presentation followed by a time of lively group discussion and fellowship. For more information or to register, visit ascensionpress.com, or contact Rick Jennings 260.494.5982 or register with Debi in the parish office 260.485.9615 x100 or [email protected].