May 16, 2017 // Bishop

Diocese participates in Take Action Sunday

In response to a call to action from the United States Conference of Catholic Bishops, “Take Action Sunday” will take place in the Diocese of Fort Wayne-South Bend on the weekend of May 20-21. The purpose of this initiative is to encourage and equip parishioners to contact their congressional representatives to urge passage of the Conscience Protection Act, a critical bill in Congress that will help protect institutions and individuals that do not want to be forced to participate in or pay for abortions.

The Conscience Protection Act is a top legislative priority this year for the USCCB. “Take Action Sunday” is a call to action from the U.S. Bishops’ Committee on Pro-Life Activities, a call that is supported by the Most Reverend Kevin C. Rhoades, Bishop of Fort Wayne-South Bend.

“Years ago, the church in the United States conducted very successful postcard campaigns to mobilize the Catholic faithful to contact members of Congress about important pieces of pro-life legislation,” Lisa Everett, co-director of the Office of Family Life, explained. “Today, we can do the same thing digitally in a matter of minutes, through the Human Life Action Center’s website at It is easier than ever for Catholics and all people of good will to make our voices heard in the halls of Congress, and it is more important than ever to do so,” she said.

Bishop Rhoades encourages all the faithful of the diocese to visit the website of the Human Life Action Center and click “Take Action” to send emails to the elected officials in your district.

Click here to read the letter from Bishop Rhoades.

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