Jovenes Adultos Retreat
All jovenes age 18-39 are invited to a half day retreat including prayer, adoration, confessions and a talk by Juan Miguel from Notre Dame. File attachment
All jovenes age 18-39 are invited to a half day retreat including prayer, adoration, confessions and a talk by Juan Miguel from Notre Dame. File attachment
Men ages 15-25, come spend Friday, July 26, in prayer and conversation with priests and seminarians from 9 a.m. to 4:30 p.m. at Sacred Heart Parish in Warsaw, to learn […]
The festival is in its 15th year, quinceañera, celebration. Join us for a family fun atmosphere where hundreds of people enjoy live music, entertainment, authentic Mexican dishes and so much […]
Esta Cuaresma, cada iglesia católica en la Diócesis de Fort Wayne-South Bend tendrá Confesiones disponibles el jueves 7 de marzo de 6-8 p.m. Si has estado renuente a acercarte al […]
This Lenten season, every Catholic parish in the Diocese of Fort Wayne-South Bend will have priests available for confessions on Thursday, March 7, from 6-8 p.m. If you have been […]
Young men ages 16-30 who are discerning diocesan priesthood are invited to join Vocation Director Fr. Daniel Neizer, along with others for a day of discerning the call to diocesan […]
A silver rose on a nine-month pilgrimage will be the centerpiece of a special prayer service at Sacred Heart Church in Warsaw on May 5 at 6:15 p.m. All members […]
Sacred Heart Parish in Warsaw will host ‘Signs from God: Miracles and their Meaning’ Feb. 1 and 2 from 6:30-9 p.m. at the church, 125 N. Harrison St. Experience how […]
Young Adults ages 18-39 are invited to a night of healing through LOVE itself; the Eucharist. We will have Praise and Worship with the Damascus Missionaries, food, Confessions available, and […]
Diocesan Youth Leadership is a unique leadership formation and pastoral training opportunity for young people in 10th-12th grade. Diocesan Youth Leadership has representatives from our Catholic high schools and parishes […]