Bishop Archive

University of Notre Dame Celebrates  175th Anniversary Mass Default Thumbnail

University of Notre Dame Celebrates 175th Anniversary Mass

For more photos from Notre Dame click here. On November 26, 1842, Father Edward Sorin and his brother companions of the Congregation of Holy Cross arrived at the snowy property […]

Trust in God’s mercy, Mary’s intercession key themes at Fatima celebration Default Thumbnail

Trust in God’s mercy, Mary’s intercession key themes at Fatima celebration

Click here for more photos from the event “Amid the chaos of the sea, the storms of life, the Lord says to us as He said to the disciples: Take […]

Sister of St. Francis of Perpetual Adoration makes perpetual vows Default Thumbnail

Sister of St. Francis of Perpetual Adoration makes perpetual vows

Solidarity with a saint’s powerful witness of love for the Lord infused a Mass that took place Aug. 9 and at which Sister M. Benedicta Duna, OSF, made her perpetual […]

Bishop: ‘Suffering can have meaning’ Default Thumbnail

Bishop: ‘Suffering can have meaning’

The third Saturday of each month except December, the Praying with Father Solanus Casey group hosts a rosary and Mass for the Sick at St. Felix friary in Huntington. St. […]

Support our immigrant youth: Dream Act of 2017 Default Thumbnail

Support our immigrant youth: Dream Act of 2017

Throughout our diocese, at Confirmations, parish and school visits, high school and college graduations, youth retreats, and other events and occasions, I meet and speak with our young people whose […]

Fair board member’s dream turns 25 Default Thumbnail

Fair board member’s dream turns 25

On a beautiful Sunday morning, July 23, as the 8 a.m. outdoor Mass at the Elkhart County 4-H Fair began, hot air balloons rose over the infield behind the congregation. […]

‘What a Catholic university is all about’ Default Thumbnail

‘What a Catholic university is all about’

University of Saint Francis projects will promote the ‘dual Catholic priorities of faith and reason’ Click here for more photos. The University of Saint Francis took a powerful step toward […]

From altar boy to bishop-designate: Father William Wack Default Thumbnail

From altar boy to bishop-designate: Father William Wack

At a May 29 press conference in Pensacola, Fla., where he is the bishop-designate, the first question Father William Wack, CSC, fielded was, “Will you be the first bishop from South Bend?” […]

Bishop Rhoades makes priest assignment, appointments Default Thumbnail

Bishop Rhoades makes priest assignment, appointments

Priest appointment The Most Reverend Kevin C. Rhoades, Bishop of Fort Wayne-South Bend, has made the following appointment: Reverend Vincent Coppola, CSC, from Administrator to Pastor of Holy Cross Parish, […]

Diocese participates in Take Action Sunday Default Thumbnail

Diocese participates in Take Action Sunday

In response to a call to action from the United States Conference of Catholic Bishops, “Take Action Sunday” will take place in the Diocese of Fort Wayne-South Bend on the […]

To sanctify the home look to the Beatitudes, says Bishop Default Thumbnail

To sanctify the home look to the Beatitudes, says Bishop

When one prays in adoration before the Blessed Sacrament, “we are accepting the Lord’s invitation,” Bishop Kevin C. Rhoades said to about 60 people at the Sancta Familia Holy Hour […]

Bishop speaks on ‘Truth in Charity’ at Christ the King Default Thumbnail

Bishop speaks on ‘Truth in Charity’ at Christ the King

“It doesn’t take much effort to see division, empty promises, fear and anger in our society. However, as a church, we know that a deep and personal relationship with Jesus, […]