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New Book Gives Saintly Women the Disney Treatment  Default Thumbnail

New Book Gives Saintly Women the Disney Treatment 

St. Thérèse of Lisieux is getting the Disney treatment, thanks to a talented Catholic artist. Fabiola Garza, 37, a character artist for Disney Creative Group in Orlando, brought six female saints to life in her stunning […]

New Beginnings, and Looking Forward to the End Default Thumbnail

New Beginnings, and Looking Forward to the End

Going around the classrooms on the first day of school provided many entertaining moments, as the joy (mostly for the younger grades) and the mild dread (mainly in the older […]

God Comes to His People in Need, Regardless of the Age Default Thumbnail

God Comes to His People in Need, Regardless of the Age

21st Sunday in Ordinary Time The Book of Joshua provides this weekend’s first reading. The book draws its name from the ancient Israelite leader, Joshua, who followed Moses and guided […]

Is Sunday a Wasted Opportunity? Default Thumbnail

Is Sunday a Wasted Opportunity?

It’s not every day that The New York Times runs a story about Catholics and Eucharistic adoration. Yet the National Eucharistic Congress held in July in Indianapolis caught the attention […]

St. Katharina Kasper: A Model of Patience Default Thumbnail

St. Katharina Kasper: A Model of Patience

God’s timing is a mystery. Waiting for God’s plan to be made clear can be difficult. It can test our faith and trust, make us question our hope, distract us […]

When Smartphones Make Gender Unbearable Default Thumbnail

When Smartphones Make Gender Unbearable

By Brett Salkheld The past 10 years have seen an unprecedented rise in people identifying as something other than their biological sex. Such a phenomenon seems to require an explanation. […]

Through Life’s Up and Downs, God Sustains Us Default Thumbnail

Through Life’s Up and Downs, God Sustains Us

19th Sunday in Ordinary Time The First Book of Kings provides the first reading. Unified Israel’s kings are the central figures in these books, although the prophets, such as Elijah, […]

Going Forward by Making a Retreat Default Thumbnail

Going Forward by Making a Retreat

My wife and I are preparing for our summer vacation, a weeklong road trip to Colorado to attend her uncle’s 90th birthday party. We’re taking our two golden retrievers along […]

The Moment Revival Found Me Default Thumbnail

The Moment Revival Found Me

I saw it. The Church in the United States has witnessed the defining moment of a generation. There’s no other way to describe it. I had high hopes for the […]

The Eucharistic Congress and the Primacy of the Supernatural Default Thumbnail

The Eucharistic Congress and the Primacy of the Supernatural

Having just returned from the magnificent National Eucharistic Congress in Indianapolis, I can honestly say that those several days constituted one of the greatest moments in my 38 years as […]

The Church Calls Us to Remember Our Need for God Default Thumbnail

The Church Calls Us to Remember Our Need for God

17th Sunday in Ordinary Time The Second Book of Kings is the source for this weekend’s first reading. Originally, First and Second Kings composed one volume, but at one point […]

Is the Eucharistic Revival Working? Default Thumbnail

Is the Eucharistic Revival Working?

Recently, I had the opportunity to go to the National Eucharistic Congress in Indianapolis. It was the first time our nation has hosted a national Eucharistic congress in more than […]