Columns Archive

Do we really believe in the Real Presence? Default Thumbnail

Do we really believe in the Real Presence?

When Pope Francis recently said that every time we receive Communion, it should be like our first time, it reminded me of a friend’s story. He had left his then-youngest […]

Getting beyond Darwin Default Thumbnail

Getting beyond Darwin

Bishop Robert Barron and others working hard to evangelize the “Nones” — young adults without religious conviction — tell us that a major obstacle to a None embracing Christianity is […]

The Lord wants to welcome all to His eternal kingdom Default Thumbnail
The Sunday Gospel

The Lord wants to welcome all to His eternal kingdom

Twenty-First Sunday in Ordinary Time Luke 13:22-30 The Book of Isaiah provides the first reading for this weekend. Isaiah is a fascinating book of Scripture. It covers a long period […]

Resist the pressure to turn away from Christ Default Thumbnail
The Sunday Gospel

Resist the pressure to turn away from Christ

Twentieth Sunday in Ordinary Time Luke 12:49-53 The Book of Jeremiah is the source of the first reading for this weekend. Jeremiah is regarded as one of the more important […]

Marriage: When expectations yield to love Default Thumbnail

Marriage: When expectations yield to love

This summer marks the special occasions of David’s and my 40th anniversary and the marriage of our older son Ryan to Sarah, our new daughter. In one of the pre-wedding […]

Living in largo: in praise of a slower pace Default Thumbnail

Living in largo: in praise of a slower pace

There is an art and a science to slow living. This summer I’m trying to learn both. In music you can measure it. The tempo called “largo” – Italian for […]

Random thoughts and caveats Default Thumbnail

Random thoughts and caveats

One of the things I’ve been thinking about lately is how it’s well known that preschool-age children who go to day care centers have more respiratory illnesses than those children […]

Acting faithfully now is our preparation for eternal life Default Thumbnail
The Sunday Gospel

Acting faithfully now is our preparation for eternal life

Nineteenth Sunday in Ordinary Time Luke 12:35-40 The Book of Wisdom is the source of the first reading for this weekend. Always standing high in any ancient Jewish perception of […]

Grow rich in what matters to God Default Thumbnail
The Sunday Gospel

Grow rich in what matters to God

Eighteenth Sunday in Ordinary Time Luke 12:13-21 The first reading this weekend is from the Book of Ecclesiastes. The first verse states that the book is the work of Qoheleth, […]

A threat to civil rights Default Thumbnail
A more human society

A threat to civil rights

I want to talk about the “Equality Act” (H.R. 5) approved by the House of Representatives this spring. But first a disclaimer. The Catechism of the Catholic Church reaffirms that […]

Finding God in all things Default Thumbnail

Finding God in all things

There is, to be sure, a stress within the Biblical tradition that God is radically other: “Truly, you are a God who hides himself, O God of Israel, the Savior.” […]

Summer at the lake Default Thumbnail

Summer at the lake

Chemists and economists speak of equilibrium conditions, where the concentrations of reactants and products, or supply and demand, are in balance. If you have a bottle of soda water with […]