A more human society
The new coronavirus and us
I could write about something other than the new coronavirus pandemic, but right now it almost seems there isn’t anything else. The rapid spread of the virus, its death toll, […]
I could write about something other than the new coronavirus pandemic, but right now it almost seems there isn’t anything else. The rapid spread of the virus, its death toll, […]
I’ll always remember reading “Catch-22,” Joseph Heller’s novel about what he saw as the absurdities of war. In Heller’s account, enlisted men trying to escape those absurdities encountered ingenious military […]
Catholics wanting to serve our country in the legal system are coming under intense scrutiny. In 2017, University of Notre Dame law professor Amy Coney Barrett was grilled by members […]
Is it my imagination, or has the Christmas shopping season (or “holiday shopping season”) extended itself by another few weeks? What we used to call “Black Friday” sales, beginning the […]
“We hold these truths to be self-evident, that all men are created equal, that they are endowed by their Creator with certain unalienable Rights, that among these are Life, Liberty […]
I want to talk about the “Equality Act” (H.R. 5) approved by the House of Representatives this spring. But first a disclaimer. The Catechism of the Catholic Church reaffirms that […]
The pro-life film “Unplanned” has exceeded expectations, recouping its $6 million filming budget on its first weekend in theaters. At this writing, it has taken in over $17 million — […]
As a member of the Pontifical Academy for Life, I have attended its annual assemblies in Rome since 2012. Pope Francis has asked the academy to explore a range of […]
In what Gov. Andrew Cuomo calls a “historic victory for New Yorkers,” New York has passed what may be the nation’s most extreme and irresponsible abortion law. Andrea Miller, president […]
Leading scientists worldwide have strongly objected to an unauthorized and premature effort to produce “designer babies” in China. I agree with their objections. But I also find some of their […]
“America is in mourning. Deep, deep mourning for a man who inspired millions to, I don’t know, watch a movie, I guess.” Thus wrote political humorist Bill Maher on the […]
Of all the dilemmas classified under end-of-life issues, the most divisive even for Catholics has been the treatment of people diagnosed as being in a “vegetative state.” The phrase has […]