October 5, 2011 // Local
Catechetical Institute Day to ‘recharge’ catechists
SYRACUSE — “Catechetical Institute Day (CID) is a great day for anybody who is a catechist, RCIA coordinator or youth minister,” says Deacon Jim Tighe, the director of the Office of Catechesis that sponsors the day.
The 21st Annual Catechetical Institue Day, which will take place Nov. 5 at Wawasee Middle School, in Syracuse, will adopt the theme “The Eucharist: Embracing the Source and Summit of our Faith.”
Dr. David W. Fagerburg, a professor of theology at the University of Notre Dame, will be the keynote speaker. Bishop Kevin C. Rhoades will celebrate Mass for the participants.
“We are excited to offer 44 different workshops including 30 workshops presented in English and 14 workshops presented in Spanish,” Deacon Tighe says. “Workshops will be presented by a variety of skilled catechists including: pastors, directors of catechesis, teachers and others who have devoted their lives to catechesis.”
Catechesis comes from the Greek word, “echo,” notes Deacon Tighe. He says catechesis is not just about studying, rather, it is shared by the people who have faith experience. And the workshop leaders experience the faith as well as share it with others.
“As we have done in the past, this year we will be incorporating workshops that address catechesis for a wide variety of topics, age groups, catechetical situations and needs,” he adds. “A few workshop titles include: ‘Family Catechesis: Helping Parents Be Catechists,’ ‘Planning a Catechetical Lesson Centered Around the Mass,’ ‘How to Make a Good Confession: There’s an App for That,’ and ‘Enseñando a los Niños a Orar.’”
The goals of the workshops, Deacon Tighe says, are to improve skills, learn more about the faith, or enhance one’s own formation.
“It’s catechesis of the catechist,” Deacon Tighe adds.
One of the highlights, he says, is the exchange of ideas and gathering with other catechists from across the diocese, especially at the luncheon.
“Catechists from different parishes mingle at lunch, talk, swap notes and stories,” Deacon Tighe notes. “It’s a great informal dialogue.”
But the purpose of the day is to “spiritually recharge and fire up” the participants.
The day begins at 7:30 a.m. with check in, followed by the the welcome and keynote at 8 a.m., and the celebration of Mass at 9:15. Presentations, workshop sessions and lunch follow the Mass. The registration fee is $15 per adult and $6 per additional family member. The fee includes morning refreshments and a box lunch.
The registration deadline is Oct. 21. For additional information visit the website: www.diocesefwsb.org/diocesan-offices/catechesis-office/ and download the PDF brochures for Catechetical Insitute Day.
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