January 21, 2025 // Bishop

Bishop Makes Pastoral Visit to Marian

Marian Students ‘Love Being with Him’ During Visit

On Friday morning, Marian High School’s Greek class was taking turns working through a difficult New Testament passage. When asked to pick the next student to translate, a senior turned and asked, “Can I pick Bishop?”

Bishop Rhoades had temporarily joined the Greek class during his annual pastoral visit to Marian High School in Mishawaka, one of the four Catholic high schools in the Diocese of Fort Wayne-South Bend, on Friday, January 17. He also confirmed two students during the all-school Mass, held in the school’s gymnasium.

Photos by Derby Photography
Bishop Rhoades preaches during Mass at Marian High School in Mishawaka while making his annual pastoral visit to the school on Friday, January 17.

During his homily, Bishop Rhoades spoke about the Holy Spirit’s appearance in the Gospel reading of the Baptism of Jesus. “Why did the Spirit appear as a dove?” he asked the crowd. “This recalls the story of creation in the Book of Genesis where we read of the Spirit hovering over the waters at the beginning of creation, and also after the flood when the dove came to Noah, signaling a new beginning for the world after the flood. So, what is happening here at Jesus’ baptism? God is bringing about a new creation.”

Principal Mark Freund speaks to the Marian High School community.

Bishop Rhoades then spoke about the blood and water coming forth from Christ’s side after His crucifixion, pointing out that the blood prefigured the Eucharist and the water signified baptism. “The Church was born from the pierced heart of Our Savior,” Bishop Rhoades said.

With this background of the sacraments, Bishop Rhoades reminded the student confirmandi, Sydney and Aisha, that their confirmations are an extension of the graces they received at baptism. He also reminded everyone else present that it was “a good day to remember our own confirmations.”

Bishop Rhoades poses with recently confirmed students at Marian.

One of the confirmandi chose Our Lady of Guadalupe as her confirmation saint, and Bishop Rhoades told her about his own deep devotion to Our Lady of Guadalupe, whose image is in his bishop’s crozier. The other confirmand chose St. Michael the Archangel as her confirmation saint. Bishop Rhoades encouraged her, like St. Michael, the “great spiritual warrior,” to “overcome evil with good, speaking God’s goodness in a world that needs it.”

After Mass, Principal Mark Freund announced Marian High School’s 2025 valedictorian and salutatorian, seniors Austin Kiefer and Emily Archambeault, respectively, who both hope to attend the University of Notre Dame.

Bishop Rhoades also had an announcement to make. After mentioning how late the College National Championship football game between Notre Dame and Ohio State was expected to last on the Monday following his visit, Bishop Rhoades told the school that he was “giving [them] a gift” – a two-hour delay on Tuesday morning after the game. The whole gym filled with cheers.

After Mass, several students walked up to Bishop Rhoades to shake his hand and express their thanks for the two-hour delay. However, they also chatted with him about their families and invited him to their parish events.

“It’s always an honor to have the bishop come in and celebrate Mass with the students,” Freund said. “They love seeing him. They love being present with him. They love walking up while he’s in the hallways and shaking his hand and saying hello and letting him know who they are.”

Kasia Balsbaugh
Bishop Rhoades poses with recently confirmed students at Marian.

As well as proving his Greek skills, Bishop Rhoades briefly interrupted an algebra quiz, talked about Church history in Indiana with the sophomore theology class, and chatted with teachers in many of the classrooms. He also made sure to visit his friend, Sister Mercy Briola, a math teacher, whose baking skills he lauded to the students.

Holy Cross Father Cameron Cortens comes to the school regularly to help with sacramental classes and confessions, sharing chaplain duties with Father Andrew Budzinski. Father Cortens commented, “For the students, I think that in particular the way the bishop presents himself and speaks about Marian brings a good bit of inspiration and perhaps a morale boost in our identity as Marian Knights, just because of the way he shows such affection for the school and the students.”

Freund has spent decades in Catholic education, mostly on the East Coast. He has been at the helm of Marian High School since the beginning of last academic year. It is clear he is proud of the school, touting its 60 history and its service to St. Joseph, Marshall, and Elkhart counties.

Father Cortens pointed out a “concrete example” of something to be proud of: the fact that Marian High School was scheduled to send two full buses to the Indiana March for Life in Indianapolis. “It’s a sign that faith and a connection between faith and activism and social justice is alive at the school,” Father Cortens said. “And there’s always room for growth, for sure. This is a place where I think that the Catholic faith is able to mature, grow, and thrive within the hearts of students who are open to it.”

Freund also mentioned Marian High School’s history of service to the community, including a day of service tradition with the sophomores and seniors.

“Young men and women come in from across the area,” Freund said. “They come not only to learn but to serve and to learn what that means. And through that, they learn to be servant leaders. They go forth into the world to lead with the values of the faith, the values they’ve learned here, the values that their families have ingrained in them. And it’s really just a place where you truly watch boys and girls become incredible young men and women. It’s a gift every day.”

As Bishop Rhoades told the school community: “I’m very proud of this high school … not only your victories but also the way you represent Marian and the Church. Marian is just so strong in every area of education.”


Address: 1311 South Logan St., Mishawaka

Phone: 574-259-5257

Founded: 1964

Number of students: 770

Nickname: Knights

Principal: Mark Freund

Website: marianhs.org

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