Scott Richert


Proclaim the Good News in This Election Cycle Default Thumbnail

Proclaim the Good News in This Election Cycle

When I mention to fellow Catholics that I will not be voting on Tuesday, November 5, for either the Republican or the Democratic candidate for president of the United States, […]

A Moderately Important Election Default Thumbnail

A Moderately Important Election

Because I turned 18 in 1986, the first presidential election in which I was eligible to vote was 1988. In the intervening 36 years, I have never voted for a […]

A Theology of the Body for Lent Default Thumbnail

A Theology of the Body for Lent

In a recent column, I mentioned that the idea of sacrificial fasting – in particular, giving something up for Lent – has fallen out of favor among many Catholics in recent […]

Walking with St. Francis in Assisi Default Thumbnail

Walking with St. Francis in Assisi

Fourteen meetings in six days may be a very efficient way to use one’s time, but perhaps it is not the best way to enjoy Italy. Landing in Rome on […]

Don’t Weaponize the Blessing of Couples Default Thumbnail

Don’t Weaponize the Blessing of Couples

What would you do if you saw a fellow Catholic walk over to a holy water font, pull out a squirt gun, fill it up with holy water, and begin […]

A Powerful Advent Lesson on Delayed Gratification Default Thumbnail

A Powerful Advent Lesson on Delayed Gratification

When my sisters and I were young, my mother would spend all Advent baking cookies and making candy. That may hardly seem remarkable; after all, countless millions of Christmas cookies […]

Why We Need to Cultivate a Eucharistic Worldview Default Thumbnail

Why We Need to Cultivate a Eucharistic Worldview

“The one who sat on the throne said, ‘Behold, I make all things new’” (Rv 21:5). In the Divine Liturgy of St. John Chrysostom, just before the distribution of holy […]

Doubting Thomas, Science, and the Point of Eucharistic Knowledge Default Thumbnail

Doubting Thomas, Science, and the Point of Eucharistic Knowledge

Jesus said to Thomas, “Have you come to believe because you have seen me? Blessed are those who have not seen and have believed” (Jn 20:29). A recent OSV News […]

Becoming the Mystery Through the Eucharist Default Thumbnail

Becoming the Mystery Through the Eucharist

Reading “My Son Carlo: Carlo Acutis Through the Eyes of His Mother” (recently released in English translation by OSV), I came across a passage from Carlo’s own writings: “Like creation, […]

An Imaginative Awakening Default Thumbnail

An Imaginative Awakening

One reason to travel, either literally or through reading, is to break out of the everyday habits of the mind that prevent us from seeing the world in a different […]

When God opens doors Default Thumbnail

When God opens doors

When a door opens before you, do you walk through? I’m not talking about metaphorical doors, but actual physical doors. Maybe the kind that are triggered by a sensor, or […]

Why I count myself blessed Default Thumbnail

Why I count myself blessed

As far back as I can remember, I have been fascinated by numbers. I add, subtract, multiply and divide, do square roots and other complex calculations, all in my head […]