John Martin

Freelance Photographer

A resident of Fort Wayne, Indiana, John Martin graduated from the Indiana University/Purdue University Fort Wayne Photography Certificate Series. His photography includes sports, events, wildlife and occasional family portraits. In his former life, John was an attorney.

Annunciation Women’s Discernment House blessed by Bishop Rhoades Default Thumbnail

Annunciation Women’s Discernment House blessed by Bishop Rhoades

Bishop Kevin C. Rhoades blesses the Annunciation Women’s Discernment House in Fort Wayne March 25. The house is a ministry of the Confraternity of Penitents.  Attendees pray during the blessing. […]

Fort Wayne pro-life rally Default Thumbnail

Fort Wayne pro-life rally

Right to Life of Northeast Indiana conducted a rally at Abundant Life Church in Fort Wayne Jan. 23 to mark the anniversary of the court decision Roe v. Wade. In […]

Victory Noll Photo Gallery Default Thumbnail