Greg Erlandson


To mask or not to mask Default Thumbnail

To mask or not to mask

I’ve been a bit puzzled about all the debate and outrage over wearing masks. I know some of it is weirdly ideological, but some of it seems to be a […]

Bishops say Our Lady of America apparitions were not supernatural Default Thumbnail

Bishops say Our Lady of America apparitions were not supernatural

WASHINGTON (CNS) — Bishop Kevin C. Rhoades of Fort Wayne-South Bend, Indiana, and five other bishops have concluded that alleged apparitions of Our Lady of America — said to have […]

An eighth corporal work of mercy Default Thumbnail

An eighth corporal work of mercy

There are strange gifts wrapped in this terrible pandemic. Its horrors are known, even if they were not appreciated early enough by many. Yet this stealth virus has held up […]

An opportunity not to be missed Default Thumbnail

An opportunity not to be missed

I’d love to be writing about something other than the coronavirus crisis, but it is hard to think of any other event that has so transfixed our attention. It is […]

Another infernal betrayal Default Thumbnail

Another infernal betrayal

Dante Alighieri’s “Inferno” is still hell’s bestseller. A masterpiece of medieval poetry and theology since it was published seven centuries ago, the “Inferno” traces the author’s imagined trip through the […]

Why we should care about the beloved Amazon Default Thumbnail

Why we should care about the beloved Amazon

Pope Francis can be stubborn. If Americans are unlikely to care about Ukraine, as our secretary of state reportedly suggested recently, what is the likelihood American Catholics will care about […]

Understanding the debate about celibacy Default Thumbnail

Understanding the debate about celibacy

In one of those embarrassing public dust-ups that occasionally afflict our Church, a soon-to-be published book on priestly celibacy was publicized as being co-authored by retired Pope Benedict XVI until […]

Finding reason to hope amid the pessimism Default Thumbnail

Finding reason to hope amid the pessimism

My father-in-law, Joseph, was a wonderful guy. An immigrant who passionately loved America, he was hardworking, honest and thrifty. He had a laborer’s hands but a poet’s mind. Joseph had […]

The fleeing nones Default Thumbnail

The fleeing nones

I grew up in a family of seven kids, which I considered a midsized Catholic brood. I knew families that could field entire baseball and even football teams. As a […]

The sin of anti-Semitism resurfaces Default Thumbnail

The sin of anti-Semitism resurfaces

The world reacted with horror and outrage earlier this year when a town in Poland marked Good Friday with a ritual beating of a Judas effigy. The effigy was crafted […]

The emigrant’s brave farewell Default Thumbnail

The emigrant’s brave farewell

We talk a great deal in this country about immigration, too often in language that is hostile or fearful. What we don’t talk about is emigration, the act of leaving […]

Do we really believe in the Real Presence? Default Thumbnail

Do we really believe in the Real Presence?

When Pope Francis recently said that every time we receive Communion, it should be like our first time, it reminded me of a friend’s story. He had left his then-youngest […]