Dave McClow, M.Div.

The Ultimate Challenge

Dave McClow, M.Div. is a counselor with the Pastoral Solutions Institute Tele-Counseling Services. Read more at CatholicExchange.com.

The current crisis: how to survive Default Thumbnail

The current crisis: how to survive

The recent revelations are stunning and abhorrent regarding Archbishop Theodore McCarrick, the Pennsylvania grand jury investigation, the sworn testimonies of Archbishop Carlo Maria Vigano and the worldwide parade of shameful […]

Men, keep the ball in play Default Thumbnail

Men, keep the ball in play

Have you ever been in conflict and not known what to do? Some men like a fight, some avoid it at all costs. Too many of us drop the ball […]

A crisis of authority: ‘Humanae Vitae’ 50 years later Default Thumbnail

A crisis of authority: ‘Humanae Vitae’ 50 years later

In the spring of 1968, almost three years after the Second Vatican Council closed, hope was still high that artificial contraception would no longer be considered a mortal sin. Rumors […]

‘He Ain’t Heavy …’: the death of my same-sex attracted brother Default Thumbnail

‘He Ain’t Heavy …’: the death of my same-sex attracted brother

“I don’t believe in hell. If there is a hell, it can’t be any worse than my life here.” These were the most striking words from my 55-year-old, same-sex-attracted brother […]

Fear, men and locked doors of our hearts Default Thumbnail

Fear, men and locked doors of our hearts

Men are more wired to assess threats than women; maybe that is partly why the disciples hid in fear behind locked doors after Jesus’ crucifixion (John 20:19-23). Fear perceives the […]

St. Joseph: our father? Part 1 Default Thumbnail

St. Joseph: our father? Part 1

Fatherlessness has become an epidemic in our society: 43 percent of our kids grow up without fathers (U.S. Census), approaching a catastrophe rivaling the 1918 flu pandemic when an estimated […]

‘The Look’: men, sin and mission? Default Thumbnail

‘The Look’: men, sin and mission?

A kid can live and die by the look on his mom’s face! Her smile can light up his day, while her disappointment or anger can be a dark cloud. […]

The Good Samaritan: not just a good neighbor Default Thumbnail

The Good Samaritan: not just a good neighbor

By Dave McClow Providence is a powerful force — it’s God’s invisible hand guiding our lives. I experience providence in different ways. Most frequently it happens on the phone with […]

A different kind of fatherhood? Default Thumbnail

A different kind of fatherhood?

By Dave McClow The Ultimate Challenge, at least in this column, is about men and faith. But today I will use an example of a fictional female character to illustrate […]

Soccer and the Sacred Heart: The Rhythm of Spiritual Fatherhood Default Thumbnail

Soccer and the Sacred Heart: The Rhythm of Spiritual Fatherhood

By Dave McClow June is the month of the Sacred Heart of Jesus. Father’s day also falls within the month, and spiritual fatherhood ties these two together.  The human heart […]

Parents vs. iPhone: A problem of liturgy? Default Thumbnail

Parents vs. iPhone: A problem of liturgy?

By Dave McClow A 13-year-old boy, Peter, was anxious, even compulsive, melting down whenever his parents asked something of him, especially to get off his iPhone or iPad and re-engage […]

Catholicism: An extreme sport? Default Thumbnail

Catholicism: An extreme sport?

By Dave McClow Every generation has had its version of extreme sports, defined as “any athletic endeavor considered more dangerous than others.” Today they feature a combination of speed, height, […]