December 30, 2020 // Diocese

Around the Diocese: January 3, 2021

March for Life Chicago coming to Fort Wayne

CHICAGO — Since it’s a bit harder this year to travel to the National March for Life, March for Life Chicago is coming to Indiana.

All pro-life supporters are invited to the Moving the Midwest tour stop in Fort Wayne Jan. 16, sponsored by the March for Life Chicago and co-hosted by Lutheran Church Missouri Synod and Right to Life of Northeast Indiana. Participants will advocate for the right to life for the unborn, especially as the anniversary of Roe v. Wade approaches.

A drive-in rally and diaper drive to benefit Compassion Pregnancy Center, Life and Family Services, A Mother’s Hope, A Hope Center, and The Hope Clinic will begin at 4 p.m. at 6600 N. Clinton St., Fort Wayne. A caravan to the downtown area will follow.

The goal of the diaper drive is to collect 130,094 diapers, one for every abortion performed in the Midwest annually

All civil guidelines in regard to COVID-19 precautions will be followed. To register and to receive more details, visit

Sister of Providence celebrates jubilee

SAINT MARY-OF-THE-WOODS — One Sister of Providence of Saint Mary-of-the-Woods, Indiana, with ties to the Diocese of Fort Wayne-South Bend, celebrated a jubilee last year.

Sister Ann Stephen Stouffer is a native of Wabash. Currently, she ministers in prayer at Saint Mary-of-the-Woods. She celebrated 60 years with the congregation in 2020.

Sister Ann Stephen entered the congregation on Feb. 2, 1960, from St. Francis Xavier Parish, Pierceton. She professed first vows on Aug. 15, 1962, and final vows on Aug. 15, 1967.

She graduated from Saint Mary-of-the-Woods College with a bachelor’s degree in education and earned her master’s degree in education from Indiana University. Her ministries included serving as a teacher at St. Jude School, Fort Wayne, 1966-69.

Scout leader receives national service emblem

FORT WAYNE — Theresa Dirig, a Scout leader of the Diocese of Fort Wayne-South Bend, was among five National Catholic Conference on Scouting members to receive the National Catholic Conference on Scouting Silver St. George Emblem this fall. This recognition is given to Scouters for both their years of service as members of the NCCS and the impact they have made in the promotion of Scouting within the Catholic Church. Recipients are nominated by their peers.

Dirig has been active in Scouting for decades at St. Elizabeth Ann Seton and St. John the Baptist parishes in Fort Wayne. She has also served on the Diocesan Catholic Committee on Scouting. At the national level, she serves on the Religious Activities Committee of the National Catholic Committee on Scouting writing lessons on saints for Scouts and their families.

“I am so glad for Theresa that her hard work, her commitment to sharing her faith with young people, and her joyful spirit were recognized by the National Catholic Committee on Scouting with this prestigious award,” said Secretary for Catholic Education Carl Loesch. “The Scouts and Scout families in our diocese have been blessed by her leadership. Her servant’s heart and hearty laugh have blessed many meetings and campouts.”

The awardees were featured in the winter edition of the NCCS newsletter The Bridge.

Discípulos en Misión/Disciples on a Mission

MISHAWAKA — A monthly program of evangelization and faith formation will be offered by the Office of Family Life through Facebook Live @ministeriohispanofwsb or in person by pre-registration. Every session will include topics, personal reflection and group dialogue. The topics will be: prayer, spiritual healing, new life in Christ, biblical foundations, pastoral leadership and questions like Who is Jesus? What is discipleship? How do I discern my gift and talents?

Sessions are in Spanish and completely free. They begin Jan. 9 and continue every second Saturday of the month throughout the year.

Acompáña a la Oficina de Vida en Familia en un programa mensual de evangelización y formación en la fe por Facebook Live @minsteriohispanofwsb o en persona con preinscripción. Cada sesión incluirá oración, dinámicas, temas, reflexión personal y diálogo en grupos. Los temas serán: oración, sanación espiritual, nueva vida en Cristo, fundamentos bíblicos, liderazgo pastoral y preguntas como ¿Quién es Jesús? ¿Qué es el discipulado? ¿Cómo discernir mis dones y talentos?

Las sesiones son completamente gratis y en español. Este programa comienza el 9 de enero y se llevará a cabo el segundo sábado de cada mes durante el año. Para más información visita

For more information visit or contact the Office of Family Life at 574-234-0687.

Provided by Dean Taylor
Santa Claus visits with children at St. Mary Parish, Huntington, Dec. 12. The Huntington Knights of Columbus Council, No. 1014, organized the opportunity. Santa arrived by sleigh and the children were encouraged to have their pictures taken in it and then take home a bag of goodies to eat.

By Jennifer Barton
Key Club members at Bishop Dwenger High School, Fort Wayne, helped pack boxes of food for the Suzy Beard Christmas Dinner drive Dec. 17, collaborating with St. Vincent de Paul and St. Henry parishes in the effort. Student CeCe Cooper said 20-30 students came, after two rounds of finals testing, to assist in packaging nearly 400 boxes for needy families. The boxes will be distributed through Fort Wayne Community Schools to places like the Euell A. Wilson Center, St. Henry and Vincent Village.

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