January 30, 2019 // Diocese
Around the Diocese: February 3, 2019
Notre Dame to cover murals
Murals by Luigi Gregori adorning the ceremonial entrance to the University of Notre Dame’s main building, depicting the life and exploration of Christopher Columbus, are seen Oct. 10, 2015. Father John I. Jenkins, CSC, president of the university, has determined the murals will be covered, saying he feels they marginalize certain groups. They were painted in 1882-84, not long after a devastating fire and reconstruction of the structure, he wrote in a letter released Jan. 20. The paintings “reflect the attitudes of the time and were intended as a didactic presentation, responding to cultural challenges for the school’s largely immigrant, Catholic population,” he explained. “In recent years, however, many have come to see the murals as, at best, blind to the consequences of Columbus’ voyage for the indigenous peoples who inhabited this ‘new’ world and at worst demeaning toward them.”
Panel discussion on pornography and human trafficking at USF
FORT WAYNE — Josephine’s Hope is an annual novena of prayer and awareness against human trafficking, especially sex trafficking, on the campus of the University of Saint Francis. The particular focus this year is on pornography as part of the sex trafficking industry.
Group prayer took place Wednesday, Jan. 30. The Division of Student Affairs and Josephine’s Hope also will present Pizza and Politics, a panel discussion on human trafficking and pornography, on Tuesday, Feb. 5, from 5-6:30 p.m. on the campus in the Doermer building, Room 156AB. Panelists will be Aaron Brown of Destiny Rescue; Dr. Carl Jylland-Halverson, a member of the USF faculty; Chris and Beth Carlin, USF faculty; and Alyssa Ivanson, News Channel 15. All are welcome to attend.
Copies of “The Burning Building,” a prayer book for the novena written by project director William Duffy and illustrated by Emily Napier, a junior art education major, are available. To obtain one, or for more information about the Pizza and Politics session, contact Duffy at [email protected].
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