February 1, 2020 // Diocese
Around the Diocese: February 2, 2020
FertilityCare System Education Program offered
NEW HAVEN — A second FertilityCare System Education Program is scheduled for the Diocese of Fort Wayne-South Bend. The host parish will be St. John the Baptist, Fort Wayne.
Evangelization leaders who might be interested in learning how the Creighton Model FertilityCare System can benefit parishioners and the community at large are welcome to attend. The Education Phase I is June 1-8, and Education Phase II takes place Jan. 11-16, 2021.
The Creighton Model System’s FertilityCare Education Program includes several tracks.
A FertilityCare practitioner teaches clients the Creighton Model System in a FertilityCare setting. The program is 13 months long. Applicants must be an LPN/RN or have earned a bachelor’s degree or higher.
A FertilityCare instructor teaches clients the system under a FertilityCare practitioner. The instructor program is seven months long, and the applicant should have at least two years of higher education.
A FertilityCare promoter promotes FertilityCare in the parish or community. A promoter does not teach clients. The applicant should be a supportive member of the parish life or community and have an apostolic zeal for spreading the message of “Humanae Vitae.” He or she may have earned additional training in Theology of the Body, chastity programs or “Humanae Vitae,” or have worked with engaged couples for marriage preparation, sat on the vocations or pro-life committees, been involved with a youth group or had another related role in the parish.
A Creighton Model Medical Consultant focuses on healing patients with a consistent respect for life that’s in line with NaProTechnology protocols and has a good relationship with FertilityCare practitioners in an approved FertilityCare Center. The applicant should be a nurse practitioner, physician assistant, nurse midwife, OB/GYN or pharmacist. This program is six months long.
Those interested can contact Theresa Schortgen, CFCP/CFCE/RN, at 260-494-6444 or [email protected] for more information.
The Creighton Model Education Foundation, Inc. offers partial scholarships for programs.
Messy Family Project workshop
MISHAWAKA — The Messy Family Project is coming to the Diocese of Fort Wayne-South Bend. Mike and Alicia Hernon, parents of 10 and co-founders of The Messy Family Project, a new Catholic marriage and family ministry, will present a two-part workshop for parents on Saturday, March 28, at St. Pius X Parish, 52553 Fir Rd., in Granger. Check-in will begin at 12:30 p.m. in the Parish Life Center and the workshop will begin at 1 p.m. in the church. The first presentation will be “Messy Parenting 101,” followed by “Keeping Love Alive.” Each presentation will be followed by couple discussion, and a Q&A with Mike and Alicia will follow both presentations. A social with them from 4-4:30 p.m. in the Parish Life Center will cap off the afternoon. The cost of the workshop is $10 per person. Free child care will be provided. Registration will open Feb. 1 at http://www.diocesefwsb.org/MarriageandFamily. Click on the registration link.
Sponsored by Marriage & Family Ministry, Diocese of Fort Wayne-South Bend.

Provided by Mike Obergfell
On the eve of Right to Life of Northeast Indiana’s march for life, St. Jude School in Fort Wayne participates in a mini-march to increase awareness of the sanctity of all human life, from conception to natural death. The entire student body attended Mass Jan. 17 with their school faith families, then walked around the block in silence. Father David Huneck led the show of solidarity in commemorating the 47th anniversary of the Roe v. Wade Supreme Court decision.
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