August 18, 2020 // Diocese
Around the Diocese: August 23, 2020
New Ave Explores series looks at diversity of Catholic family life
NOTRE DAME — Family is the focus of the next multimedia Ave Explores series, “Ave Explores: Catholic Family Life.”
Families of all sizes and types make up the backbone, not only of society but also the Church. The term “domestic church” dates back to the first century and relates to the home — the place where Catholics first learn about the faith and how to be a witness to God’s love.
“Ave Explores: Catholic Family Life” will celebrate the beautiful diversity of families and their role in the Church. From singles to couples with many children and from priests and religious to grandparents and grandchildren, participants will learn how each family is called to holiness and to share their faith with the world. Catch previews on the Ave Explores Podcast.
“Ave Explores: Catholic Family Life” kicks off Aug. 19 with podcasts, an article, social media exclusives, and Facebook Live events each week through Sept. 11.
Contributors include Jackie and Bobby Angel, Emily Jaminet, Kathryn Whitaker, Damon and Melanie Owens, Timothy P. O’Malley, Father Cassidy Stinson, Danielle Bean, Ryan McQuade and Lisa M. Hendey.
The Ave Explores podcast is available on Apple Podcasts, Spotify and Google Play Music.
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