April 13, 2016 // Uncategorized

Around the Diocese: April 17, 2016

St. Joseph School in Decatur made a donation to the American Heart Association for a total of $2,591. Students in grades K-8 participated in the Jump/Hoop for Heart learning programs of the American Heart Association. Funds raised will support research and education programs promoting healthy hearts to save lives in their community and across the country. Congratulations to Brianna Converset and Oliver Barker for being Heart Heroes.

Created in God’s Image: A Catholic dialogue series on the sin of racism, and the call to conversion 

GRANGER — A four-night series “Created in God’s Image,” based on the pastoral letter of Bishop Dale J. Melczek, retired Bishop of the Diocese of Gary, will be April 14, 21, 28, and May 5 at 7 p.m. at St. Pius X Parish, 52553 Fir Rd.

Sponsored by the St. Pius X Catholic social teaching ministry, this event will be an opportunity for soul searching and examination, necessary if we are to rid our communities of all ignorance, insecurity and fear and see God’s image in all we meet. There is no cost for attending the series, but preregistration online at http://stpius.net/created is required.

Gratitude tour makes  stop in Fort Wayne 

FORT WAYNE — Most Reverend Bishop Joseph Mlola of the Diocese of Kigoma, Tanzania and Father Nicholas Nilema of  Our Lady of Victory Parish in Seaside, Oregon are coming to Fort Wayne, April 18-22, as part of a gratitude tour to thank benefactors for 23 years of faithful support. Worldwide Seminarian Support, a non-profit organization founded by Father Nicholas Nilema and St. Vincent de Paul parishioner John Becker, supports seminarians in Africa and India but also aids in the creation of schools and a seminary, wells for clean drinking water, and other necessities.

“It is a gift from God to see the fruits of all the benefactors’ efforts,” said Becker.

On Wednesday, April 20, Bishop Mlola and Father Nilema, both of the Apostolic Life Community of Priests, will be welcomed during an 8 a.m. school Mass at St. Vincent de Paul Parish, 1502 E. Wallen Rd.

On Thursday, April 21, there will be a Mass of Thanksgiving at 6:30 p.m. at St. Vincent de Paul Church, with a reception and refreshments to follow from 7:30-9 p.m. in the Msgr. Kuzmich Life Center. The public is welcome.

RSVP to Patty Becker at 260-241-6009 or [email protected].

Women of Hope to honor 100 women

MISHAWAKA — The Women of Hope Annual Luncheon and Silent Auction will be held on Wednesday, May 11 from 11:30 a.m. to 1:30 p.m. at Windsor Park Conference Center in Mishawaka. This event benefits Bridge of Hope at Hannah’s House. WNDU’s morning show anchor Tricia Sloma will be honored and Lou Nanni, VP of University Relations,University of Notre Dame, is the featured speaker.

Reservations are required and tickets are available by calling Hannah’s House at 574-254-7271.

Bridge of Hope at Hannah’s House is also seeking 100 Special women to celebrate. Honor a Woman of Hope in your life with a $100 donation to Bridge of Hope at Hannah’s House.  Find more information at www.MaternityHomeWithaHeart.org or by calling 574-254-7271.

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