April 23, 2013 // Local
Annual Bishop’s Appeal exceeds last year’s campaign
The 26th Annual Bishop’s Appeal has exceeded all previous with pledges totaling $6,426,164, which is $129,093 more than last year.
Bishop Kevin C. Rhoades said, “The 26th Annual Bishop’s Appeal was another great success. I am deeply grateful to all the faithful who so generously contributed to the appeal this year, the Year of Faith.”
“I am constantly edified by the faith of our people, expressed through charity,” Bishop Rhoades added. “A living faith is one that is manifest in love. I thank all who, motivated by faith, give so generously to the Church to fulfill its holy mission in our diocese.”
Harry Verhiley, Secretary for Stewardship and Development, and director of the Annual Bishop’s Appeal, told Today’s Catholic, “The success of this year’s Annual Bishop’s Appeal is, once again, a witness of our faith. The generosity of our people, throughout the diocese, puts into action this Year of Faith because the appeal funds the efforts of the New Evangelization.”
“The work funded by the appeal is about intensifying our efforts to share Jesus Christ with the world,” he added. “This is important work of the Church, such as Catholics Come Home, religious education, seminarian support, Catholic school funding, youth ministry and works of charity.”
The Annual Bishop’s Appeal is successful because it begins in the parish and is oriented toward the parish. Each parish is assigned a goal according to an objective calculation based on parish offertory totals. All overage from the appeal is returned to the parish.
A successful parish appeal means not only success for diocesan ministries and services, but also success for the parish. Strong parishes mean a strong diocese. Ultimately, all ministries and services funded by the appeal promote the fullness of pastoral and spiritual renewal of all parishes.
The goal for the 2012 appeal was $4,892,200 and a total sum of $6,426,164 was pledged.
“Our success also means that the work of Christ in our parishes remain strong, because this year we raised $1,533,964 over our $4.9 million goal and the parishes that went over goal will receive the overage once it is collected,” Verhiley noted.
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